Put Your OWN Happiness In No One Else Hands but Your Own.

I love this quotes very much. It has been quite sometimes i did not write. I have got no ideas what to write actually since CMCO. Anyway lives is very funny. One moment you are at the top like a King and in the blink of an eye you just lost everything. I realized that life is too short too grief, depressed and self pity. Last few weeks was not so good for me. There are things that i try to hide and i got caught. A relationship that i try to save but i failed. Things that i try to control but i can't. Well, it may not fall at the right places but it actually heading to the right directions. This quotes hits me. I have started to date myself. I do what i want to do. I eat my favourite ice cream, I drink my favourite apple juice. I talked to my circle everyday. I wear what i want. I watch my favourite movies. I reward myself by having sizzling chicken chop. I make myself happy. Most important thing is YOU are IMPORTANT. When you are happy, you glow naturally. Stay away from negatives vibes and surround yourself with a positives vibes. Do not think of the problem but think of the solutions. Until today i can still remember what M.T says, you cannot rely on a few things to makes you happy. Be happy everyday even for a simple reason. To my beautiful family THANK YOU for always endure my stupidity for the past years. Thank you for the advises and kind words. I love you all so much. To all my wonderful friends, THANK YOU for catch me as i fall. To everyone who are reading this, BE BETTER, LIVE WELL.

Much Love ,
SolehahAbdulWahab <3


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