First Appointment with Psychiatrist
28th December, my first appointment with Psychiatrist at Halaman Minda Hospital Kulim. My mom was funny. She didn't allow me to tell my dad that I am going to Halaman Minda. She asked me to carry my laptop and tell him that I am going to work half day ๐Well, I agree with her idea because I do not one to create any issue at home. How is everything? Everything went well thanks to the Almighty. My appointment is at 9:00 AM nurse and they took my BP. Thank God it is normal. I was expecting my BP is high as I am very busy with work these past 2 weeks. After BP checking, Dr Chew called my name. I followed her to her room, and she started to ask me about my life history. Your family, past relationships, work and lots of things. She asked what makes me reached out for help, Why I can't let go of my past, since when I feel worthless. She diagnosed me as depression and anxiety as what the doctor from Klinik Kesihatan diagnosed me 2 weeks ago. After that, she handed me 2 papers of questionnaire. One questionnaire is for Depression and another one is for Anxiety. While she is doing the evaluation, she asked me to wait because she wants to ask opinion from her senior. She came back together with another Doctor named Dr. Aishah. Dr. Aishah told me that I am having Bipolar Type 1. It means that when I am happy, I will be too happy. When I am sad, I will be too sad. The imaginary family that I have is actually a family that I created to make me feels happy. My illusion and delusional also contributes to the Bipolar that I am having. She advises me to validate my feelings. The reasons why I am having depression now is because I ignored my feelings, and this depression is getting deeper. She prescribed me Lithium Carbonate to stabilize my mood. I need to consume it for 21 days. The side effects of this meds are, I can't get pregnant ๐ Who cares about getting pregnant while my brain is already haywire. She did mention that it will takes a few months or a year to heal. One of her patients takes 2 years to heal. After one hour session with her, she asked me to do ECG and take blood sample to compare before and after medication. Next blood sample will be on the 2nd January 2023 and my 2nd appointment will be on the 15th January 2023. Till then let stay sane ๐
Be better live well <3
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